Team - 07. Schoo's Your Daddy
Golf Standings
  GP  PTS  W  L  T Calendar Sync
07. Schoo's Your Daddy 11740722
11. LOFT 11665740
03. Grip It and Sip It 11645830
10. Weapons of Grass Destruction 11620641
12. Shankapotamus 11590533
01. Dangerous Duffers 11560641
09. Team Discovery Channel 11545452
08. TEED OFF 11530560
02. Got Par 11520560
05. Par None 11485560
04. Mr. Philly 11455371
06. PsyGuys 112450110
No Opponent 00000
109. Schoo's Your Daddy (Team) 
2Craig Phephles6
3Mike Ranallo13
4Jason Schoo1
5Jack Swanson2
6Nick Swanson4
Individual Points
 Jugador#MatchesPts Earned (Total)Avg Pts/MatchMedal Pts (Total)Match Pts (Total)Low Net Pts
1Craig Phephles6815018.880700
2Nick Swanson4913014.465650
3Jack Swanson21012012.055650
4Jason Schoo188510.645400
5Mike Ranallo1333010.015150
Team Points
 Jugador#RoundsLow Team NetLow Individual NetTotal
109. Schoo's Your Daddy (Team) 108045125